
Friday Jan 16 2016 Whew! What a day! The day on the boat started with figuring out how to rig the wind scoop to get some air flow down below decks. Because it was hot!!!

Then the Joiners got a refresher on safety equipment and procedures on the boat. Then a break for lunch.


I was on the victualling prep team this afternoon. I organized the day bags into which the food will go. All the basic ingredients for the day's meals go into one dry bag and then into the bilge (the area under the floorboards). We sorted through tins of food left over from previous legs. Apparently canned Vienna sausages was not a big hit. Quite a lot of beans left over, as well. Since we are on a long race to Vietnam next, we will be making use of these tins. The fresh food supplies will be depleted by the final days or weeks of the race.

I wonder what I will be making for the team to eat when it's my turn on mother watch?


Then it was time for family and friends. Can hardly believe my adventure crossed paths with my baby brother, Zach. So fun to share stories!

One more prep day, then we're off!